Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Doctors Appt

Today Kaycee had her 6 month follow up doctor's appointment with Dr. Cheng. First she had an ultrasound. She did great! I had to wake her up from her nap and then lay her on the table. I held her hands and sang to her while the tech rubbed her belly over and over again. Then the Tech had me roll her over and keep her from crawling away while she rubbed her back too. Kaycee didn't cry or anything, she was perfect!
Then we sat in the waiting room, for what seemed like forever, while we waited to be called back to see Dr. Cheng. Kaycee first was walking the stroller around in circles until she got stuck by a chair and lost it. "That baby's on fire!" Then she had some graham crackers to calm down and played with the car (similar to the one we have at home). Finally, after I asked, we got called back.
The nurse took Kaycee's weight, 19 lbs and 10 oz, then her height, 29.5 in. Then the doctor came in. After looking at the ultrasound, he told us that he was seeing improvement. When she was born her kidney was dialated at a grade 3. At her 6 month ultrasound it had improved to a grade 2. Now it's a lesser grade 2. He said that he'll need to see her every 6 months until she's 2, then every year until at least 4. He also told us that the worst thing we could do for Kaycee would be to try and potty train her too early. It could cause this ugly head to show again and then we would be in trouble. So we have to let potty training happen naturally, even if she's 3 or 4. Ahhh, that sounds horrible. But praise God for a good appointment with good results!

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