Tuesday, March 3, 2015


This morning Kaycee and I went swimming at the Schaumburg Park District indoor pool! Kaycee loves the water and was so excited when we walked onto the pool deck. She was still fully dressed and I wrestled with her to get her swimming suit on. I decided that they yellow swim suit, she had been wearing (3-6mo) was too little for her, so we pulled out this 12 month suit. She's so dang tall the top part and bottom part don't ever meet. It's too early to be having this conversation with her, we're not there yet...
She took a nap in her carseat while I swam laps. I was the ONLY person in the pool. It was quite awkward to have the lifeguard staring at me as I huff and puff down the lane. I didn't quite make it as far as I would have liked to swim. But I did swim, that's what counts!

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