Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Day 353 - Lunch

After the swimming pool, we went grocery shopping. I bought a tub of chicken salad and a box of croissants for Grammy and I to share, for lunch. After eating a whole hotdog, many strawberries, broccoli and green beans, I gave Kaycee a croissant. She gobbled it up so fast!
Tonight we went to small group at the Carris house. Unfortunately the movie was having a hard time playing, so I was completely distracted and missed a bit of it. But it's the last one of the series and so we finished up our discussion. I think we're going to go into a book study next, which will be fun! Anthony and I even offered to host in the future. I'm really enjoying small group!
God, thank you for opportunities like small group and going to the swimming pool. We are so blessed to be able to do fun things!

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