Monday, March 10, 2014


Babymoon = last Hurrah before baby comes! 

Anthony and I took one last mini-vacation before the baby arrives. We scheduled it for Saturday to Sunday, because that was the only night available, in our busy schedule.  With church events, baby showers, basketball games, and family events we just plain ran out of time. But it was TOTALLY WORTH IT! 

We went to the Hilton Indian Lake Resort in Bloomingdale. We had been once before and it was wonderful. We booked the date night package! A hotel room, $50 towards dinner at the Shiraz on the Water restaurant, 2 movie tickets at Hollywood Blvd Movie Theater in Woodridge, and buy one get one breakfast at the Masters Clubhouse.  It was the perfect night out. 

We both had tasty dinners at the restaurant, followed by Son Of God at the movie theater, and dessert (I had peanutbutter crepes and Anthony had cheesecake). Then to Izzy and Moe's Speakeasy to play pool and enjoy some together time talking and laughing.  The first game of pool was a fun for me, I played well... beginner's luck or something. Then the second game I put the 8 ball in on the second shot of the game. But we played it out and Anthony would have ended up winning with the 8 ball anyway! He's way better at pool then I am! Then back to the hotel room to relax... or so we thought...

At 4:30am we were tossed out of our sleep by the most annoying, loud, obnoxious fire alarm I have ever heard. After sheer panic sank in, we hurried to grab all things we might need... hotel room key, purse, phones, shoes, coats, etc... Unfortunately we forgot the car keys to sit in a warm car, while waiting for the firemen to do their thing! We ran out of the room, the wrong way of course, to the farthest stairwell (we were on the 5th floor, of course) down the stairs, through the longest fire exit (to the totally opposite side of the hotel) and out the door. I still didn't have shoes on at that point, and needed Anthony's help to get them on while sitting on a rock outside. As we made our way back to the front door, the firemen were coming outside, turning off the alarm, mumbling about someone pulling the alarm, and giving the "okay" to go back inside. Finally... actually, we really were only outside for about 10 min. but it was enough, when you're sleepy, cold and annoyed.

We get back into the room and of course we're wide awake. We talk for about 45 minutes before Anthony finally falls asleep... only for me to stay awake. And then it starts, pain in my back. Fortunately, this is nothing new... just roll over and change positions. That makes the pain go away. Which is what I did, until the pain started again. Roll over and change positions again = pain goes away again.  And then a third time, before I realized that something else might be happening here... Of course google is your friend in moments like this, and WEB-MD tells me that contractions can happen in your back. Oh Boy! We're starting contractions = we're starting labor... NOT. Fake contractions that were annoying and painful in my back. I was able to go back to sleep and woke up the next morning feeling fantastic again. 

Man was that a let down!  I was so excited, I really thought that a fire alarm while in a hotel might be the fake trauma I would need to start labor.  Apparently, Baby Neal isn't ready to come out yet...

Despite the fire alarm trauma, we had a beautiful time on our Babymoon, and would totally recommend it to anyone who is about to have a baby. It was just what we needed to celebrate our last few weeks as just Anthony and Jenny! 


(Master's Clubhouse for breakfast)

(Shiraz on the Water for dinner)

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