Monday, March 17, 2014

Welcome to the World Kaycee!

Kaycee was born today!
Monday, March 17th, 2014 - 7lbs 3.7oz - 19.5 in - 5:18pm

Last night, Anthony and I drove back up to Wisconsin after a fantastic week of spring break in Illinois. It was a bittersweet moment because neither one of us wanted to go back to work the next morning, but we were getting a good start for the week. That night we ate homemade pizzas for dinner and watched a few episodes of Burn Notice (the current show we're watching on Netflix). It was a relaxing evening to say the least! 

Then 5:30am rolled around. My water broke. (This was one of those moments as a first time mom, that you are quite nervous about. There is no telling what kind of event this is going to be. It could be a flash flood all over the floor or it could be a small trickle in your pants. No way to know, and know way to anticipate. I mentioned to Anthony several times that I was nervous I was going to miss the small trickle and hurt the baby by not going to the hospital in time. Needless to say, I did know when it happened. AND it did not happen in front of my students!!) I waddled to the bathroom door, knocked and calmly told Anthony that my water had broken. He continued to brush his teeth! 

I made the necessary phone calls. (to my parents, the doctor, and to Frad because From doesn't answer her phone if she's sleeping...) and then Anthony and I took our sweet time getting ready to go, eating breakfast and uploading maternity pictures to facebook. We arrived at the hospital by 7:30am, like the nurse made me promise I would do!

We walked into the hospital, checked in with the front desk (no visitor restrictions) and then to the Labor and Delivery floor. The first nurse to greet us was W, who would late become a vital part of our hospital stay staff! She helped us get settled into our home for the next 3 days. Then the nurses who would take care of me through the delivery, A and L came in to get me started.  They needed to hook me up to the machines and start an IV right away. I didn't realize that when your water breaks, the whole process is sort of sped up. All the pictures in the books and videos during the classes showed these woman, laboring through contractions out of the bed and not tied down. That's what I wanted. I absolutely did not want to be tied to the bed... but guess what? I didn't have a choice. 

They started the monitors and the Petocin in the IV. Soon we were on our way. By soon I mean several hours later I was having small contractions, known as muscle cramps to experienced mothers. Frama and Aunt M were at the hospital with Anthony and I at this point. They made this part go so quickly, laughing and joking or telling stories about their deliveries or deliveries of people they know. It was the perfect distraction! Mom and dad came to the hospital about noon and then we were really underway. 

Contractions really started. Pain levels were 7 or 8. And I was still strapped to all those goofy machines. (now I know they were important, but...) They were certainly annoying. Every time I moved, the monitors stopped working. The nurses would rush in and change their positions to pick up babies heartbeat and my contractions. It was a little game... Jenny move, Nurse rush in. Jenny move, nurse rush in. Over and Over and Over again. I didn't want to be tied down to the bed, remember! 

Anthony counted me through contractions. Aunt M and Frama encouraged me through contractions. Mom and Dad let me squeeze their hand through contractions. The nurses monitored me and baby through contractions. The doctor set up and got ready to catch the baby through contractions. (I'm sure he did more, but honestly I don't recall most of the time he spent in the room). I could not have done this without each and every specific person that was there. Thank you for being there for me!!

I had severe contractions for less than 2 hours and pushed for about 20 min and then KAYCEE ARRIVED! It was all a blur. I don't really remember my most severe contractions, pushing and the few minutes after Kaycee's birth. But I do remember holding my precious daughter in my hands for the first time.  I remember seeing Anthony overcome with emotion, feeling my baby in my arms and not being able to control myself. She was here and she was perfect! 

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