Monday, March 17, 2014

I needed all of you!

I can't tell you how important each and everyone of you was on Monday. Every person that was in the delivery room with me played such a vital role. I don't know how I would ever thank you enough for being there.

You are the most amazing husband I could ever ask for! You were the most important person in that room! I needed you with me every moment. I mostly wanted to feel you, holding/squeezing your hand, leaning on your arm while sitting in a chair, listening to your voice count me through my contractions. I definitely could not have gotten through without you! 

Thank you for being there through the whole thing. You stepped in and help my hand whenever there was an opening! You were able to remind me that I'm in reality and that it was going to get better! Thank you for being my mom! 

Thank you for being there through the whole thing. You also stepped in whenever I needed a hand to squeeze. You reminded me to relax and gave me a focal point when I needed it. You also were a fantastic photographer after Kaycee was born! Thank you for being my dad! 

Thank you for being you! You're most important role was to keep me sane and you did good job of it! You definitely kept me laughing during my "muscle cramps" and then kept me focused during my contractions. I needed you to be my medical support and speak up on my behalf when I was delirious and didn't know what was happening to my body. Thank you for being Kaycee's Frama!! 

Aunt M
Thank you for being you! You kept both Frama and me sane! You were the best encourager and reality check! You kept reminding me to relax myself when I would forget. I needed those reminders, I truly believe that my labor/delivery was faster and more smooth because of your reminders and encouragement! Thank you for being Kaycee's Aunt M!! 

I will lean on you two, be prepared! I will seek your advice and need your encouragement and reassurance that I'm doing what's best for my daughter! You two are my rock! 

Uncle J
Thanks for coming to visit Kaycee in the hospital! 

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