Monday, March 24, 2014

Day 8 - 1 week birthday!!

Happy 1 Week Birthday, Kaycee Louise! 

Today marks 1 week from Kaycee's birth. It's hard to believe that it was a whole week ago that my water broke and Anthony and I went to the hospital, anxiously waiting the arrival of our precious peanut. The last week has been an emotional high for me.  There is pure joy in holding our daughter and pure terror in the thought that she is completely our responsibility.   I wouldn't trade her for anything!  She has been loved by so many this week and we are grateful to have such a huge support system around us. We know that it takes an army to raise a baby, and we'll definitely need all the help we can get. 

Tonight was bath night. We filled the tub will warm water and put Kaycee in it. She started to fuss and then she realized that maybe baths aren't that bad.  It turns out that she really enjoyed the bath, except the getting out of the water part. Bath's are a two man job! Anthony stands near her head, to make sure it doesn't flop from one side to the other and into the water. I wash her little body with soap and a ducky wash cloth. Then Anthony is in charge of drying her off and lotioning her body! She's on a good track to be a swimmer!  

Grandma, Kaycee and I went to Grammy's house today. Kaycee met her great grandma and her great uncle. She was so peaceful during her nap and while they were holding her! She has a fantastic family!

Last night Kaycee gave us 3 great naps during the night, which is fantastic. But the best part of the night was that there was no wake time. She did not need daddy to walk her around the family room. She went right back to sleep on her own.  Anthony got a decent amount of sleep for his first day of work! Praise to God for answered prayers! 

My prayer for today is that Kaycee has another decent night of sleep, so daddy's second day of work can go just as well as the first! 

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