Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Day 289 - New Years Eve

We were supposed to go to Sarah and Mark's house for New Years Eve. Unfortunately, Kaycee is still sick. Her runny nose is a little out of control and she's still coughing on and off. We decided to stay home in hopes that she would recover faster. After dinner with my parents and the New Years Eve service at Cardinal Drive, we stayed and played some games at church. I spent a good amount of time with Christina, talking and getting to know more about each other. Then we jumped in with the group (my dad, Jon, Anthony, Ian, Sam and Katherine) and played Flashpoint Fire Rescue, right up to midnight. We rang in the new year, played a round of Hanabi and then went home.  I'm very much looking forward to what 2015 is going to bring!

God please bring great things in 2015! Wrap your soothing hand around us when there is pain and help us to glorify you in all things!


This morning we woke up and it was unusually cold in the house. Grammy likes to keep the house really warm (like 76 and above) and so I was a little concered about the cold.  I checked the thermostat which read 64 degrees. After several hours of text message coversations with dad about how to get to the furnace (which is in the attic) how to check if the furnace is working, how to check if the thermostat is working, checking the vents to see if air is coming out, turning the fan on high for a while to see if that made a difference, Dad decided to just come over. So he and Jon packed up and came over to fix our furnace. After crawling around in the attic themselves, we finally figured out that the filter needed to be changed and wasn't in the attic but instead in the ceiling in the hallway. So Dad and Jon went to Menards, bought a filter and installed it. The house warmed up right away. At least it was an easy/cheap fix. Then Dad did some work, Jon took some naps and Anthony and I hung out around the house. Mom came over with dinner, we ate and then went to the New Years Eve service at cardinal Drive. 

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Day 288 - Chipotle Lunch

On our way out of town, we stopped at Chipotle for lunch. We had some money left on a gift card that we used. Kaycee got a kids quesadilla, which ended up not being nearly enough. Anthony had to go order her a second one and she ate many of the beans out of my lunch. We'll have to rethink what we order her next time. She also tried on Daddy's hat. 

Thank you God for allowing us the opportunity to come to Appleton area and stay with both the Meidams and Williams. It was truly a blessing! 

Tuesday At The Williams

Kaycee spent the morning playing on the floor with a bucket of baby toys that the Williams have for Mitch's boys. When it was meal time, Kaycee would sit in her high chair and Maggie would site underneath her waiting for Kaycee to feed her. It was a great visit with the Williams!

Mandy Snuggles

Mrs. Williams made breakfast this morning; pancakes, eggs and bacon! After breakfast Mandy came over to meet Kaycee. Its so good to see her! 

Monday, December 29, 2014

Day 287 - Monday At The Williams

Kaycee got her second chance with a doggy at the Williams house. Maggie was a little more hyper around Kaycee, but Kaycee was just as interested. She played and played on the floor while Maggie played around her. Mr. Williams made ribs for dinner, which were super tasty. Then we put Kaycee to bed and spent the evening eating Ice cream and playing games. It was wonderful to spend good time with the Williams (we missed them last time we were in town).

Thank you Lord for the Williams and the family that they are! 

Petting Nellie

On our way out of town we stopped at Mrs. Meidam's parents house. They got to meet Kaycee and she had her first encounter with a doggy that she could pet. She was so curious about the doggy. We had to pay attention and try to teach her gentle touches, because she kept trying to grab her eyes or ears. She really enjoyed meeting Nellie!

Monday At The Meidams

Last night's sleep was better, but still not terrific. After breakfast we hung out for a while and then played Castle Panic. It was really fun to try out our new game with the Meidams. We won, which makes the whole situation even better! Lunch was left over cheesy pasta, so we let Kaycee eat in her diaper. Unfortunately, we have to leave the Meidams today. It's a sad goodbye. I really enjoy watching them love on Kaycee and encouraging Anthony and me. They are such a blessing! 

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Day 285/286 - Saturday and Sunday At The Meidams

After the worst night of Kaycee's life (she slept so horribly that eventually we put her in her car seat and I rocked her at the side of the bed every time she woke up. Eventually at 4:30a Anthony just got up with her)  We ate breakfast and spent the day hanging out together. There was nothing on the plan, so we got to spend quality time doing nothing and everything together all day! We did watch the Nativity after Kaycee went to bed. 
Saturday's night was a little better, but still not great for Kaycee. Hopefully, the poor baby starts to feel better soon. We owe the Meidams a new box of kleenex, I'm pretty sure she used an entire box herself. Sunday we went to church and stayed for lunch afterwards. Then we went home for Kaycee's nap and to get ready for company.  Friends of the family came over for dinner and a impromptu nerf gun war. Ice cream sundaes for dessert!