Sunday, December 7, 2014

Day 265 - Christmas Fest

After church we ate lunch at Cardinal Drive and then went on our to Carthage. We got there a little before 3 and were the 2nd people in line at the special needs doors. Grammy got the second wheel chair seat, close to the musicians. Jon went upstairs and got seats in the balcony for him and dad and Anthony got seats near a door for the Neals. Christmas fest was beautiful and Jamey played amazingly. It is always interesting to be on a different side of events like this. I remember singing in Christmas Fest with Gospel (although there is no more Gospel, stupid Carthage). Before the show started Kaycee was screeching a lot. Anthony wanted her to be quiet so he suggested a paci. We gave it to her, but it was a toy. She had no idea how to use it correctly. It was hilarious to watch her bite it and hold it the wrong way.  Then I went to nurse in the bathroom, where there was a mirror placed directly behind the chair. Kaycee got a kick out of watching herself, and was completely distracted. Needless to say, she slept through most of Christmas Fest and only woke up for the ending, where she definitely enjoyed watching the candles.  After Christmas fest, while we were waiting for Jamey and cars to be brought up, Kaycee practiced crawling on the floor, which made Jamey very happy. Then we all went to Hu Hot for dinner. I love Hu Hot. Kaycee even enjoyed some zuchinni and sausages!

God, thank you for Christmas. Thank you for the season, the joy and and most of all your son's birthday!

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