Sunday, December 28, 2014

Day 285/286 - Saturday and Sunday At The Meidams

After the worst night of Kaycee's life (she slept so horribly that eventually we put her in her car seat and I rocked her at the side of the bed every time she woke up. Eventually at 4:30a Anthony just got up with her)  We ate breakfast and spent the day hanging out together. There was nothing on the plan, so we got to spend quality time doing nothing and everything together all day! We did watch the Nativity after Kaycee went to bed. 
Saturday's night was a little better, but still not great for Kaycee. Hopefully, the poor baby starts to feel better soon. We owe the Meidams a new box of kleenex, I'm pretty sure she used an entire box herself. Sunday we went to church and stayed for lunch afterwards. Then we went home for Kaycee's nap and to get ready for company.  Friends of the family came over for dinner and a impromptu nerf gun war. Ice cream sundaes for dessert! 

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