Saturday, February 28, 2015

Day 350 - Smith Improv Show

Chris and Ty were in an improv show this afternoon. It was hilarious! They are taking an improv class at Laugh Out Loud at Streets of Woodfield and this was their end of the class show. Ty especially was fantastic; he's got a gift! During the show, Guy the teacher was explaining a game and told everyone that the winner of the game would win a baby, while pointing at Kaycee in the audience. Fortunately, Chris won that game!! I didn't feel too paranoid handing my baby over to Chris!
After the show we spent some time at Starbucks hanging out. Anthony met us there, after his basketball game (they won!). Then we stopped to pick up cheesecake and headed over to the Carris's. We had pizza/salad for dinner, cheesecake for dessert and played a few rounds of telestrations. Like always we stood in the living room, coats on, talking for almost an hour. Those are some of the best conversations!
Thank you God for talents. You give each of us talents and gifts that we can use for your glory, help us to recognize that!

New Dress

 I finished my dress! I started it last night and got quite frustrated when I had to take out the stitching and re-pin 2 times. I kept putting the wrong side of one piece against the right side of the other piece. But this morning, I finally got it right! Sorry these pictures aren't great, I was just so excited about trying new ways to tie the dress and wasn't really paying attention to how I was posing. (they aren't really that flattering)

First Car Wash

First car wash in our minivan! Free carwashes for life!


We stopped at PJ's today and Kaycee decided she needed a new hat! Which one is your favorite?

Friday, February 27, 2015

Day 349 - Pretzel at Sams

When Daddy got home we went out of a family date! We stopped at Sam's to grab a pretzel. They are so yummy! Kaycee agrees, can you tell?
Thank you God for quick family dates. Please give us more opportunities to spend quality time together!

Trying For a Good Pic

Today was a great day hanging out at home. I tried to take some good selfies with Kaycee, but she refused to smile at the camera. This is as good as it gets today!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Day 348 - Night night Routine

I love our night night routine. Sometimes we start with a bath, but every night we change Kaycee's diaper, put her in jammies, read her stories/bible and sing to her. When she's on Daddy's lap she gets eager to hold and play with the book, so we've started giving her a toy/stuffed animal to hold while Daddy reads. It seems to be working!
Thank you God for night night routines!

Cleaning The Fridge

Thank you Jesus for my mom. She is a life saver. For several days there has been a gross smell coming from the fridge, apparently I'm the only one who can smell it. However there is some liquid dripping down the walls of the fridge and pooling at the floor of fridge. It's disgusting. I can't handle it anymore, so I asked my mom to come over and help me clean out the fridge.
We started by taking all the food out of the fridge and getting rid of anything that could possibly be old. Then my mom cleaned out the water dripping onto the floor and I washed up the trays and bins. She washed the walls and floors and then we put the fridge back together. We put all the food back and the fridge smelled fine.
Thank you God for a great mother!


Kaycee sometimes struggles with figuring out what she wants to do, to entertain herself, while I'm changing her diaper. Most of the time she likes to kick or pull on the buckets near the changing table (holding the wipes, creams, cloth wipes spray, etc). But today she chose a different activity. I approve Kaycee boo!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Day 347 - Just Another Night

Kaycee has learned to climb on top of things. So tonight she's climbing on the trunk in front of the mirror to better see herself. Of course I'm sitting right behind her watching for her fall. I couldn't help it but take a picture or 2.
Then later I walk into the room to find Kaycee and Daddy watching basketball on his iPad. That's quality time right there. Starting them young, I guess!
Please God help Anthony and I not to influence Kaycee's likes and dislikes. Help us to let her grow into the person she's going to be!

Jury Summons

I GOT CALLED TO JURY DUTY AGAIN. Ahhh this is the third time since we've moved to Illinois. Anthony hasn't gotten any yet. Grr.

New Toys in Grammy's Room

I finally became smart! I took all the books off these shelves and put some of Kaycee's toys there instead. She kept pulling books off the shelves, and of course I would be the one to pick them up and put them away. Now there are fewer toys and a 3 of her books to play with! It seems to be a great solution!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Day 346 - ABCs

 When Daddy got home, he sat down to play with Kaycee. I came into the room to see them singing the ABCs with Elmo. This warms my heart!
Thank you God for my friend Molly! I am truly blessed to have such a wonderful woman as a friend!  

Molly To The Rescue

Molly came to my rescue today. I was feeling very down about life today. I love being a stay at home mom, but I was getting tired of my same routine every day. Sometimes I feel trapped at home and that all I do is cook and clean. I wanted to get out more and do more things with Kaycee.
I was feeling down and Molly came with flowers, dinner and a bag of gummy bears. I'm so thankful for such a good friend!

Monday, February 23, 2015

Day 345 - Bath With Grammy

Tonight after a slow day at home, Kaycee earned a bath (by being dirty!) Grammy came to hang out with us while Kaycee took her bath! It was so special to have Grammy share that moment with us!!
God please give us more time with Grammy. We are blessed to be able to spend this time with her and have Kaycee know her, what a privilege lots of people don't get. God this is awesome!