Saturday, February 21, 2015

Day 343 - Basketball Game and Grama/Grampa's house

This morning started off wonderful with Anthony getting up with Kaycee and allowing me to sleep in.  Eventually they woke me up and we all snuggled together on Momma/Daddy's bed. We finally got up and got moving. Grammy decided not to go to her hair appointment (because of the cold), so after breakfast I did her hair at home. Then Anthony, Kaycee and I went to the grocery store, FINALLY. We have been out of food for several days. I'm so thankful to have fresh food in the house again. While at the store I compared the prices of all the food for the party, with the prices at Sam's club. Aldi is still going to be less expensive for most items. 
We left for Anthony's basketball game about 2:15p. They only had 6 boys and unfortunately lost the game. But they played hard and almost caught up in the last quarter.
After the game we went to my parents house for dinner. Originally the reason was to take Kaycee's 11 month photos, but I forgot all of her picture stuff. So, we had Mac N Cheese and brats instead. It was so tasty. I ate 2 huge helpings of Mac N Cheese.

God, thank you for family that loves us and desires to spend time with us!

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