Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Grammy's Fall

When I went into Grammy's room this morning, I found her on the floor. She apparently had been there for several house. When she called for help, no one heard her because we were still asleep. She didn't push her life alert button, because she couldn't get to the phone and didn't think anyone would come to help her.
I tried to help her up and she cried out in pain. I was so worried that she had broken a bone. Fortunately, I was able to scoot her around to her chair and slowly lift her into the chair. She was shaken and sore/bruised. Her right hip/knee and back were very sore and her left hand/thumb and wrist were badly bruised. Thankfully, no broken bones.
I made her stand and walk around a few times during the day, but mostly she stayed in her chair to recover. I'm so thankful, there weren't bad injuries. This was definitely a wake up call and a kick in the rear to start putting extra safety things in to place. We ordered a monitor so that I can hear her if she calls me during the night.

God, thank you for keeping your healing hands around Grammy during her fall. Please continue to heal her and keep her safe in the coming months/days!

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