Saturday, February 28, 2015

Day 350 - Smith Improv Show

Chris and Ty were in an improv show this afternoon. It was hilarious! They are taking an improv class at Laugh Out Loud at Streets of Woodfield and this was their end of the class show. Ty especially was fantastic; he's got a gift! During the show, Guy the teacher was explaining a game and told everyone that the winner of the game would win a baby, while pointing at Kaycee in the audience. Fortunately, Chris won that game!! I didn't feel too paranoid handing my baby over to Chris!
After the show we spent some time at Starbucks hanging out. Anthony met us there, after his basketball game (they won!). Then we stopped to pick up cheesecake and headed over to the Carris's. We had pizza/salad for dinner, cheesecake for dessert and played a few rounds of telestrations. Like always we stood in the living room, coats on, talking for almost an hour. Those are some of the best conversations!
Thank you God for talents. You give each of us talents and gifts that we can use for your glory, help us to recognize that!

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