Friday, February 13, 2015

Day 335 - Playing At Miriam's House

 After lunch we went to Sarah and Miriam's house to play. The girls were taking naps when we arrived, which allowed Sarah and I some time to talk Momma to Momma! She's pregnant again and I'm so excited for her!! I can't believe these babies will be even closer together than Kaycee and Miriam.  When the girls woke up they took every toy out of the toy bins and threw them all over the living room floor. That was ok because it was so sweet to watch them interact. It's amazing how much more they interact with each other each and every time we get together! Miriam is drinking out of a straw and starting to let go and stand on her own. Maybe she could teach Kaycee a thing or two! Sarah gave Miriam and Kaycee a stalk of celery to much on. Kaycee wasn't quite sure what to do with it at first. I think she was confused because she's not normally allowed to eat unless she's sitting in her chair. But she carried it around in her mouth and chewed on it all afternoon. Unfortunately, we had to leave way to early. I am so blessed to have a great best friend who doesn't live too far away!
Thank you God for friends and family to spend the day with. Thank you for giving Jamey talent and dedication to improve!

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