Monday, August 31, 2015

New Fish Tank

We couldn't possibly have another bedroom in our house without a fish tank. We must purchase another huge fish tank for the 10 cent goldfish that we brought home from the baby shower yesterday. The were living in the small glass bowl they came home in, and unfortunately, one already died, but we're going to take care of the rest of them! 

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Baby Shower/Helping Voigts Move

(Baby Shower pictures coming soon)

The baby shower was amazing! All the hosts, did a fantastic job decorating it with our fishing theme and providing great decorations for the baby's room! There were string lights painted like bobbers, tissue paper decorations in red and white like bobbers, there was a boat made out of baby stuff like towels and toys as well as live goldfish on every table. All the food was fishing themed with blue punch and red swedish fish inside, blue puppy chow and gummy worms in dirt cups! There was even jello in the shape of a fishy! I felt so loved and cherished! Thank you everyone for the gifts, love and support. Our son is loved already!! 
Then we spent the afternoon helping the Voigts move their house into a storage unit. They had a lot of help, and got the job done quickly. I'm so thankful that we have great friends who help out each other in our times of need!! We'll miss having the Voigts close to us, but we'll manage to get together often still! 

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Breakfast with Jamey/Cleaning Out Storage

This morning we took Jamey out for breakfast at Granny's Pancake House. He's been home all summer, but we havnt really spent a lot of time with him. It'll be sad to have him back at school, but we're glad he's not too far away! 
Then we spent the afternoon unpacking the storage unit and repacking with stuff from our house. We took a bunch of baby stuff out, some that would go to our house and some that would go to a give away or a throw away pile. We also took out a dresser for Becky and various other boxes. We put in some boxes of Grammy and Marty's stuff that didn't have a place is our house anymore. It feels good to get that errand done and over with! We're getting closer to baby and starting to think about where all the baby stuff is going to go in our house... It's getting tight! 

Friday, August 28, 2015

Dancing with Daddy

Kaycee loves her daddy! She loves to sit at the window and wait for him to come home. After he calls us (usually when he's about half way home) she runs to the window to wait for him. Sometimes we even go outside and wait for him there. We often talk about Daddy and what he does at work! She waits patiently for the moment he turns into the driveway. Her face lights up and she says "Daddy home!" over and over again! Then she waves at him as he walks up the driveway and climbs off the chair to run to him when he walks through the door. She loves this routine and so do I!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Dinner with Daddy's Work Team

Tonight we had Daddy's work team over for dinner. A previous member of the team was in town from Florida, which was a good excuse to have everyone over. We did some grilling and everyone brought a side to share. I even made a small red velvet cake with cream cheese for dessert. It was wonderful to meet his team members and get to know them a little. We'll have to do it again soon!

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Boom Boom/Mice/Bringing Dinner to Voigts

Today we discovered Chicka Chicka Boom Boom on youtube. She has asked several times to watch it again. The song is a little strange, but it keeps her entertained for a few minutes! 
We discovered Mice on our kitchen counter today. GROSS. We bought some mouse killer poison stuff, hopefully they go away soon!!! 
We brought dinner to the Voigts tonight. It breaks my heart to see them hurting so badly, but I'm glad that I can do something to alleviate some stress. Please God continue to heal their hearts! 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Fish Food

Why does my child have the talent to make a huge mess that makes Momma want to scream? Today's adventure was to spill the fish food. Yup, thats right. My 17 month old child, found the fish food on top of Momma's dresser, brought it out to the living room, unscrewed the top and dumped it on the carpet in the living room. Thank you child...

Monday, August 24, 2015

Dr. Appt

Today's doctor's appointment went well.  We're getting closer and everything looks like it's right where its supposed to be! We're so very excited for the arrival of our child, but can't imagine what life's going to be like with 2 children. Please God, let the rest of the pregnancy, labor/delivery and life after to be smooth and seamless! 

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Bubbles/Summer Celebration

I love this little girl! She makes me heart smile! Today was the summer celebration at church. Anthony did a magic show for the kids, which went really well! A trick or 2 gave him some trouble at the beginning, but he didn't let it show and kept trucking through. The finale trick (disappearing water in the cup) was amazing and really wowed the crowd! I spent the afternoon at the snow cone machine and Kaycee spent the afternoon playing with lots of friends! Awesome summer bash!! 
Kaycee loves bubbles, like no one's business. I can't blow bubbles fast enough for her liking. Momma gets tried of bubbles way before Kaycee gets distracted. I supposed it could be worse though! 

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Maternity Pics 2015

Thank you Amanda for these AWESOME pictures! I am so thrilled with how they turned out! I love that she captured the joy of being pregnant!! Can't wait for Baby to come!!