Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Playing/Sox Game

We spent all morning playing in Grammy's room. I kept trying to get a good picture of Kaycee in her outfit to send to Sarah, but she kept moving. It's like she's a kid or something and can't stand still...

Tonight Anthony and I went out on a date, in the middle of the week!! We went to the White Sox game with Alaina and her date. It was a lot of fun! I'm so thankful for opportunities to spend with just my husband, I kinda like him, ya know? It has also been really great to spend more time with Alaina and become better friends with her! Kaycee sure likes her! We had pretty good seats for the game and we even moved up to the front row near the end of the game. We're such rebels.  The White Sox lost by a lot, so I guess it's a good thing we don't actually care about the White Sox! 

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