Monday, September 12, 2016

First Day of CHAMPS Preschool

Today was the first day of CHAMPS preschool for Kaycee! I was a bit nervous, because I didn't feel like I knew exactly what to expect. When we arrived at church, it was simple to sign in, however there was no introduction or instructions. It's a good thing I knew where the preschool room was and who was the teacher! I brought Kaycee into the room, she immediately went to play with Miss Donna. When I said goodbye she said "I'm stringing beads with Miss Donna." So there mom, I don't need you! :( 
After CHAMPS we stayed and ate lunch in Mema's classroom, while Mema and DJ worked to get Sonshine School ready. Then we went home for naps. I was sitting on the couch reading my book club book, and the house was silent. IT had been this way for an hour and I assumed all the children were peacefully sleeping. Except NOT. I heard a strange sound from Kaycee's room that sounded like a piano toy. This piano toy lives across the room on her changing table. Certainly that wasn't what I was hearing. So I checked the monitor and I couldn't see Kaycee in her bed anywhere. Yup, that's right! Kaycee figured out how to get out of bed. So she had been playing for an hour, quietly of course, instead of sleeping. I guess we're going to have to start thinking about switching her to a big girl bed.
Tonight we started Tripp's Birthweek off by going to Toys R Us to buy Tripp a birthday present. WE ended up with a Go Go Smart Wheels Deluxe Garage. Tripp will love playing with the cars! Then we went to Oberweis for some ice cream, which we all enjoyed!! 
At bed time, Kaycee bit me. BIT ME! It was quite painful. I wonder what's going on with this girl. Is she reacting to all the attention Tripp got for his birthweek or maybe because she knows another baby is coming? Whatever it is, I've gotta curb the outbursts. I can't take too many more painful cries for attention. 

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