Saturday, September 3, 2016

Riding Horses and Zoo Fun with the Meidams

We spent the beginning of the morning out with the horses. Kaycee was afraid at first, but with Momma, Daddy and Kynsey by her side she got over her fear quickly. She did end up petting Gospel and Hannah and liking it. She mostly loved being outdoors with all her favorite people. She got it in her head that she wanted to ride one of the horses, and luckily for her the Meidams were equipped with the necessary materials for such an adventure. There is a lot that goes into getting a horse ready to ride, way more that I could have thought. They brushed Gospel, saddled him, rode him, walked him, and then Kaycee finally got to ride. It was all worth it because she was having the time of her life and didn't want to get down when it was over. She was so happy! 
After naps we went to the local zoo. It was a smaller zoo and at first we thought very small. But as we walked through it actually had a lot of animals. We were saddened because the cages were very small and not like the animals habitats at all. The bears lived on a concrete pad with a metal slide. There were signs posted around that said that their cages met all the necessary codes and such, so they must get that question a lot. However, these animals were so much more lively than animals at other zoos. They were out moving, playing and generally acting silly. The monkeys especially.  There was one monkey who kept throwing rocks and food at Mr. Brown. We thought it was hilarious and later learned that it was a learned behavior because kids used to throw rocks at the monkeys. We had a great time looking at all the animals, almost getting eaten by a giraffe, playing at the park and learning about each animal. Anthony even stuck his hand out and got licked by the giraffe! It was a blast!

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