Thursday, September 1, 2016

Church Work, Ultrasound

We spent the morning at the building working on Sunday School Stuff. I wanted to get lesson's printed and filed  before the teacher's meeting on Sunday (which I won't be able to attend). My mom was there to work on paperwork for Sonshine School and then DJ came to play with the kiddos, while Anthony and I went to our Ultrasound.
It was so hard to decide to put the gender of the baby in an envelope. I can't believe I still don't know!! Anthony had to use the bathroom, so they took me back to the ultrasound without him, just to get started. The tech turned the monitor away from me, so I couldn't see anything until Anthony got there. Dr. Springer came in multiple times during the ultrasound to see. Of course she knows the gender of the baby and we still don't!!! She said everything looks good, so far. Unfortunately, baby wasn't cooperating at the end and they couldn't get the last of the measurements of the heart because of baby's position. So we'll be doing another ultrasound next appointment. Oh shoot, another opportunity to see the baby, how terrible!!!!!!! 

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