Sunday, June 11, 2017

June 11 - Boyds Day 3

This morning’s breakfast was amazing! Waffles and pancakes galore! After breakfast Mema, Papa and I took Kaycee out in the boat to fish. We went to the sandbar near out dock and it was actually quite successful. Kaycee caught several fish. She’s fairly interested, however is too scared to touch the worms or the fish. Anthony stayed in the cabin with Tripp and Izzy while they slept.  At one point Kaycee announced that she had to pee and I was sure she wasn’t’ going to make it back to the dock, so we sat her on the side of the boat and let her pee into the lake. We only allowed her to do it because we were the only boat on the water at the time! We eventually came in because it was time to feed Izzy and it looked like it was about to rain. Good thing we did come in, because it started to rain quickly after we got back. It rained pretty much the rest of the day. Big clapping thunder and bright lightening the rest of the morning and into the afternoon. It finally cleared up after dinner. Dinner tonight was Thanksgiving Dinner with turkey, mashed potatoes, corn, stuffing and pumpkin pie for dessert. Anthony and I went out with Papa after the kids went to bed for an hour and they each caught a bass! We were going to clean fish, but we decided to wait one more day. So it was off to bed for the night. Izzy had a terrible night. She was up 6ish times and I ended up feeding her 4 of those times. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better! 

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