Friday, June 16, 2017

June 16 - Boyds Day 8

After breakfast this morning, Mema and Papa went to Dog Lake on their fishing date. The caught the motherload! They even had to put back some huge bluegill because they had caught more than the bag limit. Kaycee and I met them out by the daisy field. It’s our tradition to pick Daisies and make crowns. Kaycee and I pick flowers while Mema braided them together into crowns. There was some serious tick checking after that excursion. We ate lunch inside for the first time that I can remember during a cookout. It was just easier to keep the kids contained in their high chairs! We really like Jean Wheeler cookies! After lunch we took the kids back for nap, then Anthony and I went out to Dog Lake to try our hand at bluegill fishing. We did great as well. We were 3 fish over the bag limit! We made it back in time to take the kids to the beach for the last time. Dad and Anthony cleaned all the fish and came out with 46 filets, while we were at the beach. We came home for fast showers again and then back for dinner. Dinner was ribs and white tailed swordfish (or sailfish, I’m not really sure). The fish turned out to be fairly tasty! Dessert was a banana foster. We played on the park and in the Wigwam afterwards and then came back to the cabin for night night. After the kids went to bed, we packed up the majority of our stuff and then played labyrinth!  

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