Saturday, June 17, 2017

June 17 - Boyds Day 9

Izzy’s night was terrible. Between midnight, when I went to bed, and 3:30am I got up with her 3 times. I fed her the first time, patted her back until she went back to sleep the second and rocked her the third. Finally the 4th time, 3:#0am, I took her out to the living room. I fed her again and transferred her to the swing. Immediately she started screaming, I tried patting her, rocking her, everything. I finally got her to sleep by feeding her laying down on the day bed where we slept until 7 am when Anthony woke ux up for breakfast. Our last waffle and pancakes were delicious. We went back to the cabin to back the car. Checking and paying the bill only took a short while, so we were on the road a little before 10am. We drove an hour and stopped in Minoqua for the jerky and crock stores. Unfortunately the jerky store is not open yet, so we went to the crock store where ANthoiny bought a pair of shoes and Kaycee got a piece to go on hers. Then we drove another hour and stopped for lunch at Dickey’s BBQ Pit in Wausau. Then drove another hour and stopped for a bathroom. Then drove another couple of hours to Kenosha to have dinner with Jamey and Emma! Dinner was a little crazy. The kids were ready to be home, so there were some tears and some acting crazy. But we made it through. The rest of the drive went quickly. Anthony put the kids to bed while I unloaded most of the car.  We put away only the cold food and then relaxed on the couch before bed! It was a great vacation, despite the fishing being slow. I’m going to miss Boyds, but it’s always good to be home and back into our normal routine! Prayers that Izzy sleeps tonight…

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