Tuesday, June 13, 2017

June 13 - Boyds Day 5

Today is my day to go fishing with Jim! After breakfast we went to “Lake in the Pines” for some muskies. Unfortunately, it was not a successful trip. Dad may have raised a musky or 2 but we never saw them and definitely never hooked one. While I was gone, Mema played at the park with the kiddos then came back for Tripp and Izzy’s nap. While they were sleeping Mema and Anthony took Kaycee down to the dock to fish for a while. Izzy was not quite as cooperative as I had hoped. She did eventually drink the whole bottle and Anthony fed her an applesauce pouch, but she screamed for a while as well. After lunch we took the kiddos back down to the beach for an hour or so. Kaycee is very timid by the water, so she mostly played in the sand. Tripp jumped and splashed a bit in the water but also mostly played in the sand. The beach was not quite as busy today because it was a bit windy and cold. While the kids napped, Anthony took Marty and Randy fishing. Randy caught a large bass. Dinner was duck, salmon and shish kabobs with peach/blueberry crumble for dessert. After putting the kids to bed, Dad, Anthony and I went out fishing for walleye, but had no luck. Maybe tomorrow! 

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