Friday, June 9, 2017

June 9 - Boyds Day 1

Anthony worked extra early this morning to allow us to leave before nap time. I spent the morning finishing up last minute packing and cleaning up the house. Today feels less stressful than other times we’ve been leaving for vacation. I’m sure it’s because we did a lot of the packing and loading last night. We got on the road about 12:30p and drove for about 2.5 hours before needing to stop. All of the children took a short nap in the beginning and then lost their minds at the same time. Thankfully God was watching out for us, because there was a rest stop 1.5 miles ahead of us. We took a bathroom break and then the kids played on the playground (which was really 1 staircase, 1 ladder and 2 slides) while I nursed Izzy. Then we piled back into the car for the remainder of our trip to the hotel in Wausau. The kids ate McDonald’s Happy Meals by the poolside, then we all played in the pool. Well, everyone except Izzy who was in the hotel room taking a nap. After the kiddos went to bed, Mema, Papa, Anthony and I ate Red Robin by the poolside. After playing Labyrinth (a new game) we all went to bed. Izzy did not have a great night and was up several times during the night, waking Tripp up as well. 

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