Monday, June 12, 2017

June 12 - Boyds Day 4

This morning felt a bit hectic because we were not sure of the days plan.  It’s our first guide day and we weren’t sure who was going when. Ultimately, we decided that Anthony would go this morning and Marty/Randy would go in the afternoon, which meant there would be a switch in the middle of the day. So after breakfast, Anthony and Papa went with Jim to “Lake in the Pines” to fish for muskies. Unfortunately, they didn’t catch anything. While they were out, the rest of us came back to the cabin for morning nap. While Izzy and Tripp napped, Mema, Kaycee and I fished off the dock. We caught a few blue gill to add into our cleaning basket. When Tripp woke up, we got ready for the beach and lunch. Lunch was a tasty turkey tetrazzini with peanut butter oatmeal cookies. After lunch we went to the beach with the kiddos. Izzy sat in her bouncy seat and the older kids played in the water. Kaycee made some new friends because the beach was very crowded. We stayed for an hour or so, came home for baths and then a late nap. Once Papa and Marty/Randy came back, we went to clean the pan fish before dinner. Dinner was chicken parmesan and pot roast and carrot cake for dessert. The night was a lazy one, with everyone just hanging out before going to bed. Izzy only woke up twice last night (which might be because we gave her motrin and swaddled her arms in and put her in the swing).  

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