Wednesday, June 14, 2017

June 14 - Boyds Day 6

Today was Marty and Randy’s last day here. So, after breakfast Mema, Papa, Marty and Randy went out fishing. They caught a few bluegill and some bass. Anthony and I stayed with the sleeping kiddos. He took a nap, Kaycee played and read books and I worked on a summer schedule for Kaycee. After lunch, Anthony, Papa and I took all 3 kids down to the beach, while Mema helped Marty and Randy check out and get on their way. When Mema came down Papa and Anthony went back to the cabin to grab the boat to go fishing. The kids got a kick out of waving to them as they sped past the beach in the boat! Naps went smoothly this afternoon because we were able to separate Kaycee and Tripp. They had been sharing the upstairs, but since Marty and Randy were gone, Tripp could use their room instead. Anthony and I went on our fishing date while the kiddos napped. First we tried the sand bar and didn’t have a lot of luck, then we tried a spot on the shore with a lot of fallen trees. We had ok luck there. We did have to go after 2 baits and a bobber while we were out. We met Mema, Papa and the kids at dinner. Tonight’s dinner was baked chicken and ham with a fruity pastry dessert. We ended up asking Hannah for another serving of ham and chicken, so she brought us a full platter of each. We brought it home in an to go container. After playing on the playground for a while we brought the kiddos home and put them down for the night. We all needed a night in, so we played a round of Mad City and a round of Dominion. Izzy only got up once tonight, however it took an hour to get her back to sleep. So a fairly rough night of sleep.

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