Sunday, November 30, 2014

Day 258 - Christmas Wreath

After Granny's we went back to my parents house to help out with Adopt a Family. It's a tradition in our family to buy for an Adopt a Family family and give them gifts. We often will make this part of Grammy's Christmas present. So today we wrapped some of the gifts. Then we sat down and played a round of Sentinals of the Multiverse. Tonight when we got home, Anthony put up our first Christmas decoration, a wreath that we bought from Ben's fundraiser. It looks beautiful on our door. Kaycee decided she didn't want to watch this special occasion, so she played in her room instead.

Today I am thankful for Gramma Nancy and Grampa Tom. They are a true blessing in our lives and I love that they are getting to know Kaycee!

Lunch At Granny's

Kaycee and I wore our matching scarves that GG made for us! I'm so excited about that Christmas present!!
After church we met GG and GGPa for lunch at Granny's pancake house in Wheeling. It's GG and GGPa's favorite restaurant to go to when they come stay with my parents. I was very happy to see them one last time before they went home. At the end of the meal, Kaycee played and snuggled GG for a long time. She even gave GG some kisses on the mouth. (which I can imagine was quite an interesting experience for GG!)


This morning at church Kaycee spent some time with Grampa and with Uncle Jamey. She was quite wiggly and also spent a lot of time cruising across our knees. It's always nerve-wracking to have her cruise in tight spaces. The backs of the chairs in front of us were within head hitting distance, should she fall that way.  The corners of our seats were definitely within head hitting distance should she fall towards us. But there were plenty of people around to catch her if she did!

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Day 257 - GG Snuggles

Today Kaycee gave GG the best gift ever! She gave her some great snuggles! It's amazing how a snuggle from a precious baby makes someone's whole world! It definitely makes mine, every time!

Today I am thankful that Kaycee is loving on GG!

Friday, November 28, 2014

Day 256 - Black Friday Night

Tonight Grama, Grampa, GG, GGpa, and Uncle Jon (Uncle Jamey is staying with us) came over for dinner and games. We had Take N Bake pizzas from Aldi, which are surprisingly good and veggies/fruit. Then we sat around and answered Bible Trivia questions. We all vote to have Grama on our team, because she knows her Bible trivia!! It was wonderful to have everyone over at our house for dinner!! 

Today I am thankful that God has provided us with an income that allows us to do some Black Friday shopping on top of paying all of our bills!

Black Friday Shopping

This morning we did some Black Friday shopping, and by this morning I mean like 10am. We certainly were not getting our 8 month up to stand in line at an Ungodly hour of the morning. But we did end up at JC Penny for a new work shirt and sweater for Anthony and a Christmas Dress for Kaycee, Payless for new boots for Momma and Best Buy to look at laptops. It was a successful Black Friday shopping trip!! 

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Day 255 - Thanksgiving

This morning started out great with some snuggles and well wishes. Then we spent some time pulling together all the dishes and misc. stuff we would need at Grandma and Grandpa's house for Thanksgiving. Then we picked up Uncle Marty and were off. 
We spent the morning/afternoon cooking, eating appatizers and hanging out. Finnaly, dinner was done. There was a smoked turkey, honey ham, corn pudding, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, stuffing, crandberries, baked beans, Hawaiian salad, zucchini/cheddar biscuits and mac n cheese!! Sooooo delicious! Then there was pumplin torte, carrot cake, frozen fruit salad, cookies, and brownies for dessert! Even more delicious! 
I'm so thankful for our family. We have an amazing support system who would do anything for us at the drop of a hat. We've been truly blessed and I can't be more thankful!

Thanksgiving Morning

Happy Thanksgiving from the Neals!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Day 254 - Lots Of Poop

Kaycee will probably be super embarrassed by this post one day, but it's too good to not share.  Grammy and I were sitting at the table working on some things, while Kaycee jumped away in her jumper. I started to smell a weird smell, but couldn't figure out what it was. I would lean forward and smell it; I would lean back and it would go away. It was completely confused. But I let it go. Some time later, Kaycee started to fuss and I went over to her to pick her up. I was greeted by an overwhelming amount of this smell; I was also greeted by this mess on the floor. She had pooped. And I mean pooped. Enough poop that it came out of her diaper and out of the onsie, through the lef hole of the jumper and down her leg, where she proceeded to jump in it, for only God knows how long. 
I picked her up and held her at arms length towards the bath tub. I turned the water on and stuck her rump underneath it. I took her onsie off (down her body, instead of over her head) and started to rinse the poop off. I was squatting in the tub and didn't realize that she had kicked the stopper in place and the tub was filling up with poopy water. When I realized it I quickly unstopped the tub, to let it drain, which it did NOT!! So I took her out and put her on the floor on a towel. We waited for the water to drain and I cleaned the kitchen floor. There was poop on the floor, on the wall, on the bag of potatoes, and on the computer cords. 
When the water was finally drained, the tub was full on mandarin orange bits, so I had to clean the tub before I could actually wash the baby. So finally after all of this I washed the baby with soap and water, lotioned her up and put the baby down for a nap. An hour late... Thanks Kaycee!

My prayer for today is that Kaycee gets some internal joy out of life and that this post doesn't come back to bite me in the rump one day!

Morning Snuggles

This morning's snuggles were extra great because she decided to lay in my arms and play instead of on the other side of the bed. I'm not sure what caused it, but I sure loved it. It also gave the opportunity to take some fantastic selfies of her!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Day 253 - Sad Baby

I had to share this cute little sad face. Her bottom lip sticks out about a mile when she gets sad. I believe a toy was taken away from her in this picture. And by toy, I mean the computer cord. She thinks that her sad face will get her the toy back. It wont! We just laugh and snuggle that cute face!

Today I pray for Kaycee and her sweet self. I pray that she obeys Momma and Daddy and that they get the hang of discipline/instruction when it comes time!


This afternoon Kaycee went across the room by cruising on the furniture. I had to push the clock and books back on the night stand so she wouldn't eat them. But other than a few distractions she cruised quickly! Thank goodness she hasn't figured out how to go from the bed to the dresser (on the other side), otherwise she might have cruised right out of the room.


You wouldn't believe how much this little girl can put away. Today for lunch she at half of a peanutbutter and jelly sandwich, half of a can of mandarin oranges, several whole crackers and some green beans. Plus she's drinking a quarter to a half of a sippy at each  meal! She's a growing girl, which is such an answer to prayer!! Good job peanut!