Friday, July 31, 2015

Fixed AC/Bows/Baby Gifts/Date Night Out

After a miserable night of thinking our AC was broken, Dad had a genius idea to check the fuze box. And of course one was tripped. I switched it back to the correct side, and the AC kicked on!!! 
I spent the morning making more bows. I just couldn't help myself. It's so much fun! After making 1 large bow in every color ribbon I had, I focused on making 2 smaller bows for pigtails. Since Kaycee can't really wear a pony yet, we'll stick with the smaller bows for now! 

Susie bought us our first baby boy presents! Secretly I was really hoping someone would buy the huge giant fish and of course Susie came to my rescue! I am so excited to have it for the baby!! 

Anthony and I went out with Alaina, Rebecca, Steve and a few other people I don't know very well. We went to a Pub to see a 90's boy band cover band. It actually was really fun! I can't believe that I had a good time at a pub watching a cover band, but dancing with Anthony and hanging out with friends was really fun! Thanks guys for inviting us along! And thanks mom for staying here with Kaycee! 

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Naked Baby/Broken AC/Bows and Games with the Voigts

Tonight we met my parents at Old Country Buffet for dinner, but before that we stopped at PJ's trick shop. Anthony needed to get some large kids tricks for his magic show at the Summer Celebration at church. Kaycee really enjoyed all the different tricks and things to play with at the magic shop. 
Old Country buffet was super yummy and everyone enjoyed it including Kaycee! We stopped in Dicks Sporting Goods after Old Country Buffet to look for dry fit shirts for Anthony.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Mema Visit/Grammy's Doctor's Appt.

Mema came to visit today! Kaycee loves when Mema comes over! They played on the couch in the living room for a long time. This of course was after we played in Grammy's room for the morning and Kaycee got a ride out to the kitchen on Grammy's walker! Then we all went to Grammy's doctor's appointment. My little super star needed her sunglasses even in the doctor's office! 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Magic Show/Lunch With Papa/Self-Injuries

This morning we met some new friends at the library for a magic show. The magician was a retired Kindergarten teacher and we could definitely tell! He was great with the kids and kept them all entertained and behaving the whole time! Kaycee enjoys the library, looking at books and playing in their kids area. Even though she was a little young for the magic show, she did great and even paid attention for a while!
After the magic show we went to lunch with Papa. We met him at the park behind his job. We ate a picnic lunch and Kaycee ran around and played. There is a splash pad at this particular park; Thank Goodness Kaycee didn't see it. (I didn't bring any water stuff at all) Kaycee loves playing with Papa!! 
Tonight while making dinner, Kaycee and I had several moments of self injury. Kaycee tried to climb onto the dining room table from a chair that was too far away and slipped. She hit her face on the table on the way down. We didn't see any physical injuries at first and so I snuggled and comforted her until I thought she had calmed down. When I tried to put her down, I noticed blood on the white part of my shirt. Apparently she hit a tooth or her lip or something and started to bleed. Thankfully no lasting damage. I cut my finger pretty badly on the slicing thingy that I was using to slice zucchini and then snipped my finger with a pair of scissors. Not sure where my mind was tonight, but it certainly wasn't on safety...

Monday, July 27, 2015

Speeding Ticket/Donuts

This morning, Kaycee and I went to pick up a few things for the baby's room from a mom on my facebook mom's group. On our way, we got caught in a speed trap on Springinsguth and got a speeding ticket. I was driving with 2 other cars, all going the same speed. I saw a police car come out of the side street and pull over the car in front of me. At the same time I saw a police officer standing on the side of the street with his radar gun, using his radio to radio another car. The second car came out of the same side street and pulled me over. Then a third police car came out of the same side street and pulled over the third car. There was no getting off with a warning, the officer even admitted it was a speed trap. Unfortunately, I'm $150 poorer!
Afterwards, we needed a pick me up, so we went into the donut shop and had a donut for breakfast. It was my first donut date with Kaycee! 

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Church/Lunch/Maternity Pics

Kaycee looked super cute this morning in her white dress with purple shoes and hair bow! I got out the size 5 and 6 shoes (even though they are probably still too big for her) and put away all the too small shoes. She just had to wear these super cute shoes! 
After church we went to Chipotle with the Carris, Voigt and Smith families! It was super fun to eat lunch with friends! 
Then we went home to take naps and get ready for our maternity shoot. We drove to Wisconsin, ate dinner at Hu Hot and then met Amanda at Pet's park to take the pictures. It was rather hot outside, hopefully some of the pictures turned out and don't make me look miserable...

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Voigt Girls/Anniversary Date

This morning Christina and Ian were going to look at some houses, so the girls came over to play. We played with all the toys in the house, played at the park, saw a baby bird and watched the mommy bird feed the baby, ate lunch, watched frozen and ate popsicles, and played some more. Hopefully, the Voigts find a home!! 
Then Anthony and I went on our anniversary date! We went to Benihana's for dinner, which is so special because we went there on our Wedding night. Then we went to the Boomer's game. We sat in the second row, in the shade, and had a great time! Even though they lost, it was awesome to spend time together enjoying the beautiful weather and watching baseball! We ate pretzels, cotton candy, fresh squeezed lemonade and dippin dots!! The fireworks at the end of the game were fabulous (one of the best endings to a fireworks show we've seen)! Thanks Grandma for watching Kaycee!