Monday, July 20, 2015

Dr. McCool Appt/Grammy Appt

I had a doctor's appointment this morning and Kaycee came with me. She sat at the counter eating Veggie Straws while Dr. McCool examined my belly and answered my questions. She was a well-behaved little peanut this morning!!
This afternoon Grammy had a doctor's appointment at 3:45pm. When the office finally told us to come in, it was 5:30pm. The doctor was running so far behind that we didn't leave the office until after 7pm. It was too late to go out to eat, so we stopped and picked up some food for Kaycee and Grammy and took them home. While I put Kaycee to bed, Anthony ran out and got us Chipotle for dinner. I felt bad that I asked Anthony to cart Kaycee to Grammy's appointment, but they had a good time going to PJ's Trick Shop and running around the parking lot! 

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