Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Magic Show/Lunch With Papa/Self-Injuries

This morning we met some new friends at the library for a magic show. The magician was a retired Kindergarten teacher and we could definitely tell! He was great with the kids and kept them all entertained and behaving the whole time! Kaycee enjoys the library, looking at books and playing in their kids area. Even though she was a little young for the magic show, she did great and even paid attention for a while!
After the magic show we went to lunch with Papa. We met him at the park behind his job. We ate a picnic lunch and Kaycee ran around and played. There is a splash pad at this particular park; Thank Goodness Kaycee didn't see it. (I didn't bring any water stuff at all) Kaycee loves playing with Papa!! 
Tonight while making dinner, Kaycee and I had several moments of self injury. Kaycee tried to climb onto the dining room table from a chair that was too far away and slipped. She hit her face on the table on the way down. We didn't see any physical injuries at first and so I snuggled and comforted her until I thought she had calmed down. When I tried to put her down, I noticed blood on the white part of my shirt. Apparently she hit a tooth or her lip or something and started to bleed. Thankfully no lasting damage. I cut my finger pretty badly on the slicing thingy that I was using to slice zucchini and then snipped my finger with a pair of scissors. Not sure where my mind was tonight, but it certainly wasn't on safety...

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