Friday, July 24, 2015

Dinner and Games with Friends!

This morning we went to Grammy's room before she was actually out of bed, which meant Kaycee got to "help" her up. Kaycee's version of helping Grammy get out of bed was to put her pink crocks on her feet, while she was still laying in bed and sitting on her walker! The rest of the day was full of playing and eating. I tutored at the library while Anthony stayed home with Kaycee (she took a long nap and gave Daddy some quiet time!).
Anthony and I decided to have an impromptu dinner and game night with friends. We invited Steve and Rebecca from small group to come over. I made a pork roast with veggies, salad, watermelon and naan. Rebecca brought over a fruit salad and some banana pudding for dessert! After dinner I put Kaycee to bed and then helped Grammy get ready for bed. Then Anthony, Steve, Rebecca and I played Forbidden Island and Apples to Apples, till after 11pm. It turned out to be such a great night!! 

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