Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Naked?/Swimming at Atcher Island

This morning I found Kaycee NAKED in her crib. At some point over night she took off her zip-up footy jammies as well as her entire diapers. I'm not sure why she wanted to be naked, possible she was hot?
Kaycee also had her first experience eating a piece of fruit whole. I was eating a nectarine at the table while she was eating her lunch when she asked me very nicely "pease." So I handed her my half eaten nectarine and she went to town. It was super juicy and soft which made it easy for her to eat and super tasty! 
Tonight we were invited to go swimming at Atcher Island with Molly and the kids. It was so much fun to be at the pool with friends. Anthony didn't come with us because he had to mow the lawn, but we still had fun anyway. Kaycee was the cutest little girl, of course!! 

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