Saturday, July 11, 2015

Saturday Camping and Mari's Wedding

This morning Kaycee and I went swimming in the freezing cold pool before Anthony and I had to leave for the wedding. She enjoyed it despite the fact that her lips were blue, 2 seconds after getting into the water! 
Anthony and I got to spend 3 hours in the car with each other and only each other, both ways today!! What a perfect date! 
Mari and Nate's wedding was beautiful and full of music, which is exactly like them! We had a rough time finding the church because of all the construction around it, but it just added to the adventure of our weekend! We finally made it, changed quickly in the bathroom and found some seats! The wedding was beautiful, they had so many muscial aspects it was perfect for them. They did a duet, her father wrote her a song, many friends and family played for them. It was perfect. After the wedding we headed to the reception. We made a stop at the ABC house first, where we tried the door to see if anyone was home. Unfortunately, no one was. We'll have to go back during the school year. Maybe I'll get a tour of Anthony's home during high school. The reception was at a country club and the cocktail hour was in the bar area with seating and a little snack. It was fun to sit with some of Anthony's friends from high school and hear stories about him! The dinner portion was in a beautiful room, where we sat with his high school friends and had a great time. Instead of clinking the glasses to kiss, people had to write and perform poems. They started off sweet and encouraging and ended up sexual and inappropriate, but I suppose that's to be expected. Unfortunately, we had to leave before the dancing part, in order to get back to the campground before it go too late, but the evening was a total blast! I drove home and we even stopped for ice cream at McDonalds! 
Congratulations Mari and Nate!


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