Sunday, January 31, 2016

No Church, Screen Time, Knights Game

I kept the children home this morning because I didn't want anyone catching the cold that they have. The kids keep coughing and I know they like to play with other kiddos at church. So we played and played at home instead. At one point I offered for Kaycee to watch a few youtube videos on the TV in my bedroom, while I folded clothes. She watched Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and Goodnight Gorilla. When I told her it was time to be done, she threw a temper tantrum. It was ridiculous. If this is the reaction I'm going to get then I think I won't give her screen time ever again. 

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Ebay, Sick Babies, Beauty and the Beast

I listed a game on Ebay today. It's strange to think about selling our stuff on Ebay. I don't think I did it right, but we'll see. 
Our kids are sicky babies today. Little Buddy looks miserable, but he's acting fairly normal. Anthony and I almost didn't go see Beauty and the Beast tonight because our kids were too sick. But Janice came to our rescue and offered to keep them anyway. So we dropped them off with Janice and headed over to the play. It was awesome and Nicole did a beautiful job as Belle. After we went to Baker's Square with Rebecca and Alaina. Originally we were just getting pie, but instead we all got dinner too. Super yummy! It was a wonderful night out to take my mind off Grammy for a while. We stayed the night at Janice's so that we didn't have to move the children in the middle of the night. 

Friday, January 29, 2016

Visiting the Grammy

We went back to visit Grammy today. There's no change. She's the same as last night. We don't see any signs of the last stage, so it might be another day. It's hard to see her like this, but I'm so thankful that I'm here with her.

Thursday, January 28, 2016

ABC's, Ortho appt, Chick Fil A, Bitten Finger, Hospice

The hospital transferred Grammy to the hospice floor today. I'm so sad. Sitting her writing this blog entry, crying my eyes out, is one of the hardest parts of this whole situation. They say her kidney's are failing, that they're not going to get better. I can't help but try to blame the hospital for doing something wrong. They didn't do anything wrong and I know that they were just trying to help her, but it's so difficult to accept that this is the end.
Tonight we called everyone home to say goodbye. Tom and Becky came at the same time as Mom, Dad and Jon. Jamey and Emma came by late tonight. I went back to the hospital to meet Jamey and Emma. It's really hard to say goodbye, but the nurses believe it'll be less than 24 hours. I can't believe this is happening. I feel like it came out of nowhere, but I do thank God that we had a chance to say goodbye, 

(Sweet Baby Girl singing her ABC's)

(Seeing Molly at Chick Fil A. I was having lunch with Anthony after my ortho appt.)

(Kaycee bit Tripp's finger, when Tripp put his finger into her mouth."

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Climber, Excited Face

Grammy is still in the hospital today. I really would like to be there with her, but it's difficult with the littles. So instead we're holding down the fort at home. This afternoon I was feeding Tripp in his room, while Kaycee was playing around the house. It got quiet and I should have known... except I was enjoying reading the article online. When I was finished feeding Tripp, I started to walk out of his room when Kaycee came out of her room carrying a bottle of children's benadryl. "Uh oh" was my first thought. I walked into her room to find everything from the shelves above her changing table thrown all over the floor. Little Miss figured out how to climb up the changing table and get into all of the medicine and diaper changing supplies. I guess it's time to move that unsafe items from her room...

(Kaycee's fake excited face... oh boy!)

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Sick Kids, Tripp's Booties

Today was a normal Wednesday except that I have sick kiddos. Kaycee was quick to fake cry about every little thing today, which gets super annoying really quickly. However, whenever I fake cried back at her she laughed (usually).  Tonight I finished Tripp's booties. They're supposed to have buttons on the side, but I don't have any buttons that I like. I'll get some one day! 

Monday, January 25, 2016

Molly and Christina's Birthday Dinner

Tonight I went out with the ladies to celebrate Molly and Christina's birthdays. We went to Melting Pot for Ladies Night Out, We got 2 kinds of cheese, salads, 2 entree platters and 2 kinds of chocolates. It was all super tasty. It was super wonderful to be out with the ladies for the night! 

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Knights Game

Knights Win! Although today's game was not a difficult game to win, the boys did not play as well as they could have. Hopefully, they'll start listening to the coaches soon! 

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Knights Win, Hospital Visit

Knights Win!! Today's game was very stressful. Anthony was coaching by himself because Drew and Ethan were out of town. The game did not start off well. The boys were not playing well and were trailing behind the whole game. However, they came back in the last quarter to win the game at the last minute. They were so excited! I had a happy husband after that game!! 
We visited Grammy on our way home. Kaycee read books to Grammy. Grammy was happy to have Kaycee there. I wish we could spend more time at the hospital, but Kaycee just can't handle it. She really wanted to push buttons and touch things she wasn't allowed to touch, not to mention leave Grammy's room and explore the rest of the hospital. Grammy seemed to be improving, but her levels are still not where they should be. They keep playing with the amount of liquid nutrition and hydration liquid she's getting. Hopefully they get it balanced quickly!