Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Climber, Excited Face

Grammy is still in the hospital today. I really would like to be there with her, but it's difficult with the littles. So instead we're holding down the fort at home. This afternoon I was feeding Tripp in his room, while Kaycee was playing around the house. It got quiet and I should have known... except I was enjoying reading the article online. When I was finished feeding Tripp, I started to walk out of his room when Kaycee came out of her room carrying a bottle of children's benadryl. "Uh oh" was my first thought. I walked into her room to find everything from the shelves above her changing table thrown all over the floor. Little Miss figured out how to climb up the changing table and get into all of the medicine and diaper changing supplies. I guess it's time to move that unsafe items from her room...

(Kaycee's fake excited face... oh boy!)

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