Saturday, January 23, 2016

Knights Win, Hospital Visit

Knights Win!! Today's game was very stressful. Anthony was coaching by himself because Drew and Ethan were out of town. The game did not start off well. The boys were not playing well and were trailing behind the whole game. However, they came back in the last quarter to win the game at the last minute. They were so excited! I had a happy husband after that game!! 
We visited Grammy on our way home. Kaycee read books to Grammy. Grammy was happy to have Kaycee there. I wish we could spend more time at the hospital, but Kaycee just can't handle it. She really wanted to push buttons and touch things she wasn't allowed to touch, not to mention leave Grammy's room and explore the rest of the hospital. Grammy seemed to be improving, but her levels are still not where they should be. They keep playing with the amount of liquid nutrition and hydration liquid she's getting. Hopefully they get it balanced quickly!

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