Friday, January 1, 2016

Polar Bear Plunge/Squirrel/Game Night

Today was an interesting day to say the least. It started off with me going to the Polar Bear Plunge. After a particularly rough morning at home, I was only 2 minutes late to the church. I was told we needed to be there at 9am, everyone else was told 9:30a. Grr Once everyone was there we got on our way. We got to the beach, walked to the water, took a group picture then made a mad dash for the water. Every was stripping down to their water clothes as quickly as they could. Sarah, Christina, Rebecca and I went all together. We should have walked farther into the water because as we all laid down to get completely wet, we couldn't make it completely under the water. But we all got wet, which is what counted. Running back to the beach was really difficult when you can't feel your toes. I was told that I wouldn't be able to use my fingers, and they were right. But I did manage to get socks on, along with my sweats and towel. We then went to McDonalds for hot chocolate and snacks.

While at the Polar Bear Plunge, Anthony informed me that an animal fell down the chimney and was stuck in our fire place. The guys at the Polar Bear Plunge were really excited to help us get rid of the animal. Thankfully, it was an exciting experience. Willie, Zach, Ian and Rob all had a plan to catch the squirrel in garbage bags when they opened the fireplace. However, that is not what happened. The squirrel got loose in the Family Room. After running around, chasing it for a while Ian caught it in a box. They slid a board under the box and took te squirrel outside, where it made a mad dash for the back fence. I think it's time to get the chimney covered. 

Unfortunately, we canceled our lunch plans with Tom and Becky due to the unknown future of the squirrel in the fireplace. Hopefully, we'll reschedule quickly!

After a relaxing few hours, we went to the Carris's for a spaghetti dinner and games. It was great to hang out with good friends and be relaxed and such an exciting day!

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