Friday, January 22, 2016

Beautiful, Hospital Visit, Mema's Birthday

Kaycee dressed Tripp up in her jeweley today. She thought he was beautiful. We're going to have to teach her how to make Tripp handsome instead! 

We got to visit Grammy tonight! It warms my heart every time I see Kaycee with Grammy. She wanted to climb into Grammy's hospital bed and sit with her. She even laid down next to her and snuggled Grammy for a while. It's hard having Grammy away from home, but we keep reminding Kaycee that Grammy is at the hospital to get better and then she'll come home. 

Tonight we celebrated mom's birthday at Outback Steak House. It was a super tasty dinner. I was thankful to sit next to mom and get to talk with her on her birthday! It's hard to have a lot of people at a restaraunt, you don't end of talking to the people at the opposite side of the table. Kaycee kept wanting to get up and go see Uncle Jon, so eventually we moved her high chair over to sit next to him. Hopefully he didn't mind handling her during dinner. Happy Birthday Mom, so thankful to get to celebrate with you on your birthday. We love you! 

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