Monday, May 30, 2016

Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day! We started off with some Boyds pancakes. I didn't get them quite right, they weren't thin enough and didn't taste quite right. I'll keep trying. Soon, I'll be at Boyds and can ask Jean, herself, how she does it! My family came over for a BBQ this afternoon, and we had a great time! Too much food as always, but really tasty! 

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Breakfast at church/Olive's Baptism/CiCi's

Today was a busy day. We started off with a large breakfast display during Young Adult class at church. I made a breakfast casserole with sausage and hash browns! Totally delicious, but I was super full afterwards. Then we ducked out of church a bit early to head to Olive's baptism. 
I have never been a part of a Catholic baptism and it was really neat. The whole process rings true with my heart about raising the children to love God and want to serve him. I'm happy to be a part of that journey for Olive's early life! We were invited to a party celebrating Olive's baptism at Lauren's parents house afterwards, which was very fun. I enjoyed meeting all of Lauren and Tony's family, and getting to know them a bit better. Several people encouraged me, telling me that they have only been hearing good things about me taking care of Olive. It's always a good feeling to be encouraged in what you're doing. I love being a part of this family, and I'm excited for our friendship with Lauren and Tony as well as Olive's future! 
After the party, the kids took short naps at Mema and Papa's house before we headed to Cici's for dinner. We met Emma and her mom there! It was great meeting Emma's mom! Kaycee and Tripp loved the noodles and loved playing in the mini arcade with Jamey and Emma even more! 

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Drinking Milk, Garage Sale, Steak N Shake

This cute little boy has finally agreed to drink some formula. Since we have completely stopped nursing, I've been trying to get him to drink more formula. He doesn't really like it. So, today is a big step forward! 
We started our day early! We set up for the garage sale, sat at the garage sale and took down the garage sale today. We only made a little more than $50, but it was worth it, because most of the stuff did not go back into our house! We made a 2 van full load to Goodwill after the garage sale! I can't believe I didn't take any pictures of the garage sale and of the cars filled afterwards. But we celebrated with dinner at Steak N Shake! It was way past the kids bed times, so they did not handle it very well. But it was still yummy and what we needed!

Friday, May 27, 2016

A day

It was a pretty normal day today! We ate Popsicles outside, played, took baths, played, read books, Olive pooped, we played and more playing! However, the real action happened while Miss Lauren was here to pick up Baby Olive. We were talking in the living room, when Kaycee started to talk about eggs. Now she has 6 pretend eggs in her kitchen, so we assumed she was pretend cooking with her eggs. Indeed she was not, instead she was cooking with the real eggs ALL OVER THE KITCHEN FLOOR! What a mess. 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Working on VBS decorations

We spent the whole day at the church building working on VBS decorations. Miss Melissa was there with Sarah to direct the VBS decorations making! We did lots of projecting superheros on the wall and tracing them with red grease pen. We also painted the Incredibles and Larry Boy today. The best moment was when Olive pooped on me. ON ME! All over my shirt. And who thinks to bring themselves a change of clothes when they're working on VBS decorations at the church building. Not Me... so I walked around in a tank top all afternoon. Oops

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Arts and Crafts, Grocery Shopping

This morning, during the babies nap time, Kaycee and I did lots of arts and crafts. She still too young to really understand all the different options and what to do with them, so we had to be creative. We did some color sorting with the pom poms, some painting and coloring, some building with the Popsicle sticks and more. We then went to the grocery store, where the kids were super cute. Olive doesn't love being in the Ergo, but she tolerated it just fine... this time. Kaycee and Tripp were super happy when I opened the carrots for them to much on while I was shopping.