Saturday, May 21, 2016

Yard Work at Mema and Papas, Ladies Day

We spent the morning at Mema and Papas house helping out with some yard work. Apparently, recently they got a citation for having a broken/ratty looking fence and were instructed to take it down. The city gave them minimal time (like 7 days) to accomplish the task. It's going to take a while longer, but we made some progress today. There was lots of weed wacking, chopping of logs, taking out fence posts, sawing them in half, etc. Mostly Kaycee played on the playset with whoever would play with her and Tripp looked cute on the blanket eating a snack! 
Mom and I went to Ladies Day at church in the afternoon. It was good, not quite what I was expecting. 3 ladies gave their testimonials about how Jesus had helped them through something, which gave some new insight into their lives and why they are the way they are. It was great to hear how God has worked in someone elses life! 
Then we had a dinner at Mema and Papa's house and home for bed!

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