Saturday, May 28, 2016

Drinking Milk, Garage Sale, Steak N Shake

This cute little boy has finally agreed to drink some formula. Since we have completely stopped nursing, I've been trying to get him to drink more formula. He doesn't really like it. So, today is a big step forward! 
We started our day early! We set up for the garage sale, sat at the garage sale and took down the garage sale today. We only made a little more than $50, but it was worth it, because most of the stuff did not go back into our house! We made a 2 van full load to Goodwill after the garage sale! I can't believe I didn't take any pictures of the garage sale and of the cars filled afterwards. But we celebrated with dinner at Steak N Shake! It was way past the kids bed times, so they did not handle it very well. But it was still yummy and what we needed!

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