Monday, May 16, 2016

We're Having Another Baby!

I went to the Dollar Store tonight to look for something things for VBS, instead I came home with a pregnancy test. I was pretty sure that I was pregnant. I knew that I was late with my period, but I couldn't remember when my last period was. I was super tired and I had forgotten to rinse my hair in the shower (classic pregnancy symptom). It was a whim, but I decided to buy one.

I came home and immediately went to the bathroom to take the test. A minute later, Anthony comes and knocks on the door. He asks me if I'm pooping because I'm taking too long. I looked at him with a totally guilty look on my face, and admitted that I was taking a pregnancy test. The alarm on my phone goes off at that exact moment of course, and we both take a look.

There's 2 pink lines.

Thankfully, Anthony came to the bathroom, because what would i have done if I found out I was pregnant and he wasn't there with me. I don't know what I was thinking taking a test without him... Thankfully he was there!

He then sent me to Walgreens to buy a real test. I came home and he was watching basketball. I sat down at the computer to do some things. After several looks, he finally asked me why I wasn't taking the test immediately. I gently reminded him that I had just peed and did not need to pee again. His response was to drink more water. So I did.

After a whole bottle of water and some time, I decided I could pee again. So I went to pee and take the test. This time it was a digital test and there was going to be no question what the results were. We waited the 3 minutes and then went back into the bathroom to check. And sure enough, it said PREGNANT!

So we're pregnant. I have no idea how far along I am, because I can't recall my last period. But the doc will tell us. I'll call tomorrow.

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