Wednesday, May 11, 2016


Momma spent a large portion of today creating an animal train cake topper out of fondant. Kaycee helped by doing lots of arts and crafts, including Playdoh! She is definitely showing a creative side when we play Playdoh. She wanted to make all kinds of animals out of all kinds of colors. I am doing my best to not mix the Playdoh colors, but it's getting trickier each time. Little bits fall onto the floor and get mixed up and don't make it back into the jar. I can see the level of Playdoh getting smaller each time. Not to mention that she's eager for a new color every 2 seconds. But we have a good time, talking and playing and learning! 
Kaycee told me today that she was leaving and going to Ms. Lauren's house. I said bye and that I would miss her. I don't think she expected that. I did tell her that she'd have to walk and ask for her own directions. She was confused. She didn't really want to leave the house, she just wanted an excuse to carry around Olive's diaper bag. It's real enticing, apparently! 

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