Thursday, May 12, 2016

Bumbos and Basketballs

Happy Birthday Papa! 
We'll celebrate another day, today we're glad you're with GG and GGpa!

It's often that I find myself on my tummy with three little faces looking back at me. Today was a particularly cute one! I tried capture it, but it was rather difficult to get all three to look at me. Later on, Olive practiced her sitting in the Bumbo, which Kaycee thought was the best thing since sliced bread. She loved sitting in front of Olive and handing her toys. I kept telling her that Olive isn't quite ready for toys yet, but she kept trying! This evening Anthony attempted to teach Kaycee some basketball moves... Kaycee was more interested in throwing the basketball, jumping and watching it roll into street. Needless to say, it's possible that Kaycee could become a basketball player... we'll see. 
I baked cakes today for Dr. Springer's cake. It's starting to come together! I'm excited about it!

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