Sunday, May 8, 2016

Tripp's Dedication and Mother's Day

Tripp was honored today at church for his dedication moment! I am so happy I can't even describe it. I loved being in front of the church giving acknowledge that we will love Tripp and teach him God's love and having the church as a whole pray for him. It was perfect! And both my parents and Nana were here to see it!
After church we hosted Mother's Day at our house. It was hectic! My mom and dad, Jon, Jamey and Emma, Tom and Becky, Nana, Karen and Isaiah and Alaina plus Frank, not mention me and Anthony and Kaycee and Tripp! A lot of people in our house but wonderful at the same time! I was thrilled to have Anthony and dad do the cooking and Jamey and Jon do the dishes. Thankfully, we were able to get the house pretty clean before the night was over. 
Emma and I gave both children baths tonight while Anthony took his mom back to the airport. It was a wonderful weekend with her and hopefully we see her again soon!

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