Friday, May 20, 2016

Scary Choking Moment

This morning, comes in at one of the most scary moments of my life as a Mommy. As I got up to get Kaycee her cup of milk, Tripp stole some bacon off my plate. He proceeded to choke on the bacon. Coughing and coughing until he stopped coughing and stopped making any noise at all. I turned him over on my arm and pounded his back (like you're supposed to do for infant CPR) and still nothing came up. I could tell he was having trouble breathing because he started to wheeze. I finally called 911. The dispatcher stayed on the line until the paramedics showed up. Thankfully, Tripp had coughed out the piece of bacon before they arrived and was his perfectly happy little self. My heart was in my chest the whole time and I felt completely helpless. The paramedics were wonderful making Tripp laugh while checking all his vitals. I declined to have him transferred to the hospital and he's been fine all day! Thank you God for sparing my baby!

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