Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Dr. Appt

I had a doctor's appointment with Dr. Springer this morning, so mom took the kiddos to the church building. The babies napped and Kaycee played in Mema's classroom. Olive cried for a bit, but settled after a while and went to sleep. Kaycee and Mema played lots of games. I walked in on the one where Mema pulled a letter our of the bag and Kaycee named the letter (or tried) and then found the matching letter on the carpet. She can actually recognize some letters now, she's a smarty pants!! Baby Girl Neal is sounding great! Heart beat was good, my blood pressure was good, my belly is measuring normal. Everything's good!! 

Monday, November 28, 2016

Sonshine School

Olive had another hard morning. She cried for a long time while trying to settle for her nap. Bottles, patting, noise, nothing was making her calm. Fortunately, she calmed down after a while, but she never went to sleep. However, she took an excellent afternoon nap instead. 

Pony Tales

Kaycee's hair is long enough to put up in a pony tale!! It only stays for a short while before all the wispy curls come out, but it still looks super cute!! She wore her pony tale and bow to Champs today!
Olive had a hard morning. She really did not want to take a morning nap, which was hard for everyone in the office. We're going to have to find another solution if she's going to continue to cry. I just hope we can get her to nap peacefully, the poor little thing!! 

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Decorating the Tree

Tripp is doing sooo well in Sunday School now! He takes his pictures (one of me and him and one of Daddy and him), his blankie a snack and his waterbottle with him, goes right to class (with someone else of course) and then has a great time with Miss Melissa! 
We went to Panera for lunch before coming home for naps. Then we decorated the Christmas Tree! I'm so excited about the Christmas Season!!  Kaycee and Tripp didn't really understand the concept of decorating the tree. Tripp mostly wanted to play with the ornaments and Kaycee mostly wanted to dance. However, we got the tree decorated! 

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Getting a Christmas Tree

Anthony made pancakes for breakfast this morning! The kids love it when Daddy makes breakfast! Then we went and bought our Christmas tree. We bought a Douglass Fir because they had the softest needles and the prettiest color. We got to take some of the branches they cut off home with us. The kids had a great time picking out a tree. Then Tripp went down for a nap while Anthony and I got all the Christmas decorations out. We started to decorate the house, but that's a big job! After Tripp's nap we went to Burlington to buy pants for Anthony and then came home for lunch and afternoon naps. Anthony worked on putting lights up outside and I worked on putting up decorations in the house. It's beginning to feel like Christmas in here!

Visiting GG and GGpa

Today we went to visit GG and GGpa in Champaign. We took 2 cars because Mema, Papa, Jon, Jamey, Anthony, the kids and I all went which was 1 to many people for 1 van. GG came out to the living room to play and GGpa played in his bed. I was so thankful we got to spend time with them. Kaycee and Tripp got some presents from GG that they were very excited about. Tripp took a nap in the basement while we all hung out! We went to Monicals for pizza with Stevie, Lucy, Jane and Will, GG and Aunt Beth. It was wonderful! What a great day!