Thursday, November 24, 2016


We started off our Thanksgiving with a new tradition of County Donuts. Anthony ran to get them last night and the kids sure enjoyed them this morning! After Tripp's nap we went to Mema and Papa's house for appetizers, games and Thanksgiving dinner. There were so many appetizers we had to pace ourselves, so that we wern't too full for dinner. We played several games while Tripp and Kaycee napped and food cooked. Once they were awake, we took family pictures outside. Dinner had all the fixings, turkey, corn pudding, grean bean casserole, sweet potatoes, etc. etc. etc. with pumpkin cake and pie, frozen fruit salad and cookies for dessert. Such a good meal, it's too bad I don't have more room in my belly (this little girl takes up a lot of room). It was a great day, little to no stress and wonderful family!! 

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