Friday, November 4, 2016

Happy Birthday Momma!

Happy Birthday Momma! 
We spent the morning playing outside in the backyard. It was beautiful outside! Even Olive enjoyed the nice weather!! Tripp loves walking around the playset and loves being in the swing even more. Kaycee loves pretending the playset is a magic ship that will fly her anywhere she wants to go. I love sitting in the sunshine! Unfortunately, on the way inside, Kaycee bonked her ear in the door and got a nasty bruise on it. I put her down for a nap with an ice pack on her ear, and she went to sleep. Best birthday present ever was all 3 of the kiddos sleeping soundly for several hours in the afternoon. I ate lunch, watched a show, relaxed, ate some chocolate = wonderful! 
Anthony took us all out to Red Robin for my birthday dinner. The kids did great! Then he took me to Pandora to get a cupcake charm for my bracelet and then to Cheesecake Factory to get cheesecake to take home! After the kids went to bed, Anthony and I ate cheesecake and watched a show. This was an excellent birthday!!!! 

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